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slipped on是什么意思cc

slipped away什么意思slipped into什么意思slipped intoslipped out ofslipped out 2. The movie star slipped into town before the crowds reached the airport. 人群到达机场时,那个电影明星已经悄悄地进了城。 3. Montgomery slipped two divisions across the S...

2. The movie star slipped into town before the crowds reached the airport. 人群到达机场时,那个电影明星已经悄悄地进了城。 3. Montgomery slipped two divisions across the S


以下是部分词语的详细解释和区别: sideslipside.slip不及物动词(-slipped; -slip.ping)横滑 He had slipped on an icy pavement. 他在结冰的人行道上滑倒了。 2. V-I If something s

yi xia shi bu fen ci yu de xiang xi jie shi he qu bie : s i d e s l i p s i d e . s l i p bu ji wu dong ci ( - s l i p p e d ; - s l i p . p i n g ) heng hua . . . H e h a d s l i p p e d o n a n i c y p a v e m e n t . ta zai jie bing de ren xing dao shang hua dao le 。 2 . V - I I f s o m e t h i n g s . . .

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海词词典,最权威的学习词典,为您提供he slipped on the ice.的在线翻译,he slipped on the ice.是什么意思,he slipped on the ice.的真人发音,权威用法和精选例句等。 he slipped

英语单词大全提供slipped on是什么意思,slipped on在线翻译,slipped on什么意思,slipped on的意思,slipped on的翻译,slipped on的解释,slipped on的发音,slipped on的同义词,slip

[最佳答案] 是什么意思 slipped on在。。。。上滑倒双语对照例句: 1. En route to the subway I slipped on heels.在去往地铁站的途中,我穿上了高跟鞋。 2. Instead, world stocks slipped on an oil slick and oil may be the key catalystfor the slow-motion crash in equities that resumed yesterday.相反,全球股市在油面上打滑了石油也许是昨


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